Three Reasons Hotel Bandwidth is More Affordable Than You Think

Travelers are highly mobile and “always on” when it comes to connectivity. Today’s in-room entertainment is more than just a fancy TV with premium channels. Guests bring their entertainment with them—on smartphones, tablets and laptops—to stream movies, videos and games over a hotel’s Wi-Fi network.

As more and more guests want free Wi-Fi, hoteliers can view Internet connectivity as an expensive amenity to provide—one that offers little tangible return, especially as demand for bandwidth grows.

However, there are certain things to keep in mind when exploring data services. There are cost-effective options available and other benefits to consider. In the end, the services may end up costing less than you think.

You Can Buy Only What You Need

Service options are available that enable you to buy the bandwidth you need today, but can easily scale to accommodate your growing data needs in the future. In some cases, capacity can be added with just a single phone call. Your guests can enjoy fast Wi-Fi, while your hotel pays for bandwidth at the most cost-effective price point for what’s needed at that time.

It’s Cheaper Than The Alternative

While it’s important to watch costs, can you afford for your guests to have a bad experience when it comes to getting and staying connected?

Social media is making a hotel’s experience more exposed to the public. There are many examples of guests posting bad reviews simply because the Internet was slow, or there wasn’t any Wi-Fi. Many guests will not return to a hotel where there are Internet issues, and not only are they staying away, but they are telling their friends to stay away. When considering the potential cost of losing repeat business, the investment in having a robust Internet service often pays for itself.

The Back-Office Can Benefit, Too

While typically only talked about in the context of a guest service, a foundational data service for guest Wi-Fi can also be used to support the hotel’s business functions. Fast, reliable Wi-Fi for your back-office can help you see tangible efficiencies, control overhead costs and provide better guest services, especially from staff that have to be mobile. However, it’s important to choose data services that allow you to securely separate back-office traffic from guest traffic.

Travelers are highly mobile and “always on” when it comes to connectivity. Today’s in-room entertainment is more than just a fancy TV with premium channels. Guests bring their entertainment with them—on smartphones, tablets and laptops—to stream movies, videos and games over a hotel’s Wi-Fi network.

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